Curriculum Confidence

The Primary School Curriculum is rich, varied and encompasses more than just exam preparation - important as this can be. It does, however, move at quite a considerable pace and there will be times that your child, no matter how bright and able they are, will not have fully grasped a topic.

As a result, they will have some gaps in their learning. This is where private tuition can be so invaluable. Private tuition allows the child to step outside of the classroom with their learning, address areas where they have a specific weakness or misconception and gain some much-needed perspective and confidence.

I have many years of experience teaching and working within modern and busy classrooms. I understand that however effective a teacher may be, they will not always have the time and resources to address the specific needs of each child in their care.

I do.

Through targeted private tuition, I can help your child build their confidence in the curriculum, enabling them to master the subjects in which they need more confidence.